Exploring Three Decades of Software Innovation alongside my mentor, Arun Tanksali – By Zunder Lekshmanan Co-Founder and CTO @ OpenTurf Technologies

https://www.linkedin.com/posts/zunderlekshmanan_mentorshipmatters-softwareinnovation-techpulse-activity-7193632331016933378-9M-x?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_feed%3BoYKzrVBZQiSMEVztuXIgfw%3D%3D By Zunder Lekshmanan Co-Founder and CTO @ OpenTurf Technologies

Essential Steps for Successful Product Development: Mastering Needs, Validating, and Pivoting

Exciting news ahead! Introducing TechPulse, a new podcast delving into the dynamic spheres of tech, business, and innovation. Join us for expert interviews and actionable insights to enhance your projects and ventures. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/zunderlekshmanan_techpulse-productdevelopment-customerfirst-activity-7188506235690770435-wOtK?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

Measuring Developer Productivity: Real-World Examples

Developer Productivity - Do you measure or Should you measure? Here is an article on how various company measures developer productivity The Turing Trap: The Promise & Peril of Human-Like Artificial Intelligence Should AI be feared or adoption should be slowed down or it should be merged into activities that...

Ahead of the Curve: Future Trends in SME Automation

In this final chapter of our series, we unfold the tapestry of tomorrow's automation landscape and how SMEs can harness these trends to stay ahead of the curve. Emerging Trends in SME Automation AI-Driven Predictive Analytics: The future of automation is predictive, not just reactive. Gartner's insights reveal a growing...