What is Security Engineering? Is security engineering exclusive or should it be part of the dev lifecycle? Take a look here 15 Open-Source Projects That Changed the World We score 14/15. How about you? Take a look here ThoughtWorks Radar Some of our decisions are biased based on what the...
Essential Steps for Successful Product Development: Mastering Needs, Validating, and Pivoting
Exciting news ahead! Introducing TechPulse, a new podcast delving into the dynamic spheres of tech, business, and innovation. Join us for expert interviews and actionable insights to enhance your projects and ventures. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/zunderlekshmanan_techpulse-productdevelopment-customerfirst-activity-7188506235690770435-wOtK?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
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Measuring Developer Productivity: Real-World Examples
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Success Stories of Automation: The 500-Year Journey to Modern Efficiency
The history of business is a tapestry of innovation and adaptation. Over the last 500 years, various fields and industries have been transformed profoundly by the advent of automation. This article explores these transformations, emphasizing how automation, particularly in the realm of invoicing, is redefining the operational dynamics for Small...
Claude Shannon on Creative Thinking
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Don’t Call It A Platform
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How Rust went from a side project to the world’s most-loved programming language
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